On Thursday I had my first taste of the new book club. I raced around at home making dinner, and doing a little more to prepare for my imminent housewarming party. Why is there just never enough time in the evenings?
The book club was due to start at 7:30, but at that time I was finishing a slightly undercooked dinner, and I got to the meeting at about 7:40. There were only two others present (A and S).
My Kindle tells me that I had read about 85% of the book, but S had only got 50% of the way through, and didn't want to hear any spoilers. Which neatly put paid to any discussion between the three of us. Ranty-moment warning: It may just be my opinion but if you turn up to a book club having not finished the book you should not prevent others from talking about it. That is after all the point of a book club, isn't it?
As we'd basically been gagged about 'And the Mountains Echoed' by Khaled Hosseini, I asked about previous books they'd read and we chatted for a bit before giving up waiting for anyone else at about 8pm. Neither A or S were responsible for bringing copies of the next book from the library, so we didn't even know which book was assigned.
So unfortunately book club was a bit of a bust, after all that anticipation. Sad face.
Lurking in my inbox this morning was an email advising that the next book is The Book Thief. One of my favourite books of all time. So I might give it one more month.
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