Sunday, January 12, 2014

Reading Frustrations...

I know I said no blog posts for a while, but I've been on my own all day with little to do but read, and decided what the heck.

Luckily I was left to my own devices with a fridge full of food, and my eReader, so it's not all bad!  Though my plan to get back on track with my weight loss didn't account for the Portuguese custard tarts left over from last night.  They're calling to me now.

So between custard tarts I've been reading (Aussie TV hasn't got much better in the last 6 years), and am thoroughly enjoying re-reading The Hobbit.  I've loved the recently released movies, and now I hear Martin Freeman's voice in every word and thought that Bilbo has.  Love it!!

My other frustration was with a friend who keeps correcting me... Firstly about the old saying of Aussies throwing another shrimp on the Barbecue, but mostly because I set a goal on GR of reading 48 books this year.  Last years goal was 36, which I just about managed.  I'm sure that I'm reading it wrong, but she commented that she reads 48 a month.  The woman doesn't work and I just felt that she was somehow judging me for setting a goal so low.  I wanted each time to respond and felt like I was defending myself, surely it shouldn't be that way?  I didn't respond, but it has just stuck in my mind.  Anyway, whinging Pommie time is over now.

Tomorrow I will ask my Aussie friend to take me to the station so I can get out of the house.  Not sure yet precisely what I'll do, but apparently it's likely to rain, so I may check out my old faves like the QVB...


  1. I am not keen on yearly goals for reading. It puts too much pressure on and I loose the joy. Some years I read a lot, other years less. 2013 was a poor reading year generally, but I still enjoyed what little I did read.

    48 per months sounds unlikely, I guess she isn't reading hefty Russian tomes!

  2. I think you're right, I used to read like that but they were short easy reads. Nothing like what I read now, even though I don't read Russian tomes :-)

  3. Thinking about the yearly goal, I think it was more to keep track of each years reading, and to help with those annual 'my life in books' memes. You have to put a number in, and I'd have seriously beaten my 2013 number if it hadn't been for all the redundancy stress. So this year now that is over and I have some time to spare while I look for a job I thought I would raise the bar a little. Not going to beat myself up if I don't reach it ;-)
