Being British we don't celebrate Thanksgiving, but sometimes the bad can be overwhelming and it is easy to forget the good stuff. So here are ten Bookish things I am grateful for...
- To live in the UK where good bookshops are still around.
- UK has no sales tax on physical books, which helps keep the prices down. It also means if I buy from a US website I don't get customs charges when the item lands in the UK!
- To live within 2 hours driving distance of Mr B's bookshop in Bath. Too much closer and I'd be in horrific amounts of debt, too far away and I would never have bothered making that first visit last year.
- My late Uncle Stephen, for encouraging my reading by sending me adventure books for Christmas (Famous Five, book 9 was the first non-school proper book I remember reading).
- My parents for recognising my love of books and telling Uncle Stephen. Also for buying me book tokens for Christmas and New Year, and letting me spend all my pocket money on books, and finally for spending hours at the bookshop with me.
- Brilliant authors writing brilliant books!
- Blogging communities, Goodreads etc... so I can see recommendations for books I would never otherwise come across.
- eReaders, a brilliant way to have quick access to books, lots of free and cheap books available for fast download and less to carry when travelling.
- My local library for giving me easy access to free books.
- My book club, not just a reason to read, or a source of books I wouldn't have otherwise read, but a great group of people and an enjoyable sociable activity.
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