But here's today's Friday First Paragraph's...
This one has been on my shelf since it's hardback publication date, I bought it on pre-order and then it languished on my bookshelf until the Top Ten Tuesday feature last week, when I decided it was about time I picked it up and made room for more books.
The Woman Who Died A Lot by Jasper Fforde
Monday: Swindon
" 'The Special Operations Network was formed in 1928 to handle policing duties considered too specialised to be tackled by the regular force. Despite considerable success in the many varied areas of expertise in which SpecOps operated, all but three of the thirty-six divisions were disbanded in the winter of 1991/92, allegedly because of budegetary cutbacks. By 2004 it was realised that this was a bad move, and plans were drawn up to reinstigate the service.'
Millon de Floss - A Short History of SpecOps
Everything comes to an end. A good bottle of wine, a summer's day, a long-running sitcom, one's life, and eventually our species. The question for many of us is not that everything will come to an end, but when, and can we do anything vaguely useful until it does?
In the case of a good bottle of wine, probably not much - although the very act of consumption might make one believe otherwise. A well-lazed summer's day should not expect too much of itself either, and sitcoms never die. They simply move to a zombie-like existence in repeat heaven. Of the remaining two - the end of one's life and that of our species - regular subscribers to my exploits will recall that I had seen myself die a few years back, and given my past record, it would be probable that much useful work would be done between then and now. As to the end of our species, the possibility of annihilation was quite real, well documented, and went by the unimaginative title of Asteroid HR-6984. Wether the human race managed to figure out a worthwhile function for itself in the thirty-seven years until possible collision was dependent upon your level of optimism."
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